Sales representative in the stainless steel trade

Lasting success stories are those written jointly by partners.

Zwick principle of partnership
Acting as equals.

We are successful when our customers are too. Our collaboration with them is therefore always characterised by an attitude of partnership. This equally applies to our suppliers and our shipping agents.
Writing a success story together in the business world is fantastic. And this is precisely what we strive to do.

For us, a good partnership is founded on being on equal terms. With the customers, the suppliers and also with our tried-and-tested shipping agents and service providers. Because we can only be open to the needs of the other if we engage with one another fairly and transparently. This mutual respect makes solutions possible from which everyone ultimately benefits. 

For us, partnership is also about being committed and reliable, and about assuming responsibility. If we succeed in creating something exceptional together on the basis of this understanding, this is partnership as we see it.

Transparent as a matter of principle.

We believe in honest and clear communication. As well as striving to understand our business partners’ needs and concerns, we endeavour to make our topics tangible for our business partners through our communications. For us, this is the bedrock for understanding and good collaboration. We call this authenticity.

Quadratische Edelstahlblöcke in einer Nahaufnahme