Contact persons
At your service: Your direct contact to our stainless steel trade specialists

We are happy to assist you in person. Find the expert for your request in the relevant department and contact us directly.

Below you will find the direct line to our experts in the various departments.
As our customer, you will of course have your own personal contact in Sales for all matters. 

Please feel free to contact us, we are here for you.

Contact persons

Andreas Neuhaus
Managing Director
Christian Budde
Director Purchasing and Sales
Tobias Franz
Director Human Resources and Operations
David Henkel
Key Account Manager
Tobias Niewiadomski
Key Account Manager | Strategic Purchasing | Quality Manager
Daniel Herrmann
Key Account Manager
Benedikt Beaupain
Key Account Manager
Ceyhun Ülker
Key Account Manager
Recep Furkan Cebeci
Klaus-Dieter Gundermann
Director IT
Oskar Blase
System Administrator IT
Johannes Simon Drees
Allrounder IT
Beate Nowak
Factory Certifications Supplier Declarations
Anne-Marie Welters
Factory Certifications Supplier Declarations
Margherita Lunetto
Factory Certifications Supplier Declarations
Mieczyslaw Lochert
Technical Plant Manager
Volkmar Westermann
Warehouse Manager
Paul Niklas Bruchhaus